Industrial 3D Scanning
3D scanning has emerged as a need in many industrial design and production applications due to its accuracy, practicality, and speed. For industrial design, reverse engineering, quality control, and many more applications, our Scan Hub portfolio offers powerful 3D scanners. We offer the finest industrial 3D scanner for your needs thanks to the variety of solutions available and easy output into popular CAD and CAM systems.
While much of our work is in scanning commercial, domestic, industrial, marine, engineering, civil and heritage objects and sites for measurement and modelling, we also scan objects for manufacturing and reverse engineering. There are many applications for our 3D laser and CAD modelling services. Our team of highly skilled professionals can transform the 3D scanned point cloud data into output formats that are the foundation for virtual walkthrough’s, product and structural design, as built documentation, visualization, and analysis as well.
With the use of 3D laser scanning, producing as-builts has never been simpler, more precise, or more comprehensive than it is right now. In order to produce deliverables that are helpful to architects, designers, engineers, draftsmen, maintainers, and contractors, Scan Hub employs laser scanning technology to gather data about a building structure, process plant, civil works, or any item.
The talented Scan Hub team is a major key to our success, we’ve been able to draw on the best creative and technical skills available to provide outstanding solutions and services.Using the mesh data build your CAD model. Utilising reverse engineering software using surfaces and profiles to create a CAD model.When you hear the phrase “industrial 3d scanning” your mind should pinpoint to the industry specialists here at Scan Hub. Our wealth of knowledge and technological prowess are second to none and we offer a leading 3D scanning service. Contact us today for more information on our industrial 3d scanning capabilities.
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